Sunday, July 28, 2013

Moment of Truth

I am going to be honest with you, my friends. I have been doing a lot of growing lately, and God has really been clear with me on my shortcomings! Like any serious relationship, a relationship with Christ is an every day commitment. Every morning is a new day, and a new day to recommit my love. This world is so vast, fast paced, often chaotic and quite distracting. Just committing yourself to Christ one time won't do it.

When I was reading the bible tonight, I stumbled into 2 Corinthians 12:10 - check it out, it says: Examine yourself, to see whether you are in the faith. 

In the faith, now. Not yesterday or 5 weeks ago. Every day I need to recommit. Every morning when I awake, I need to give my day to the Lord. Being a Christian is not a part-time job. It's everyday, it's a love story, it's passion, its beauty, it's commitment. 

So, if you think I have it all together - think again. 

You have it all, God. My heart is open to You. Use me to serve others, guide me to light Your path. Keep me close as I give You my heart again, today. 

xo Angie

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